The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

‘could it be J— H— herself?’

Jane Ellen Harrison, 1850–1928

Independent lecturer in London, later a fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge, Jane Harrison was author of (among other things): Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Relgion (1903) and Themis: a Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion (1912). She is also one of the few women mentioned in the who’s who of classical scholarship.

¶ Overview of Cambridge Ritualists (Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism) & web supplement to The Cambridge Ritualists: An Annotated Bibliography of the Works by and About Jane Ellen Harrison, Gilbert Murray, Francis M. Cornford, and Arthur Bernard Cook (op)

¶ James Davidson (of Courtesans and Fishcakes fame) reviews Mary Beard’s The Invention of Jane Harrison (and is a bit too excited by Miss Harrison’s ‘Sapphic love, her fondness for William Morris wallpaper’—as tho’ that were the most interesting thing about her…) Cf. BMCR review.

BMCR account of Annabel Robinson’s The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison


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