The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives



To be saved in the event of fire, flood, incipient exile: Juvenal’s Satires (Cambridge, 1931), Reliquiae of Musonius (Leipzig, 1990), the Odyssey (Leipzig, 1993), Ovid’s Tristia (Leipzig, 1995), Epistulae Tres et Ratae Sententiae (Epicurus; Leipzig, 1996), De Rerum Natura (Oxford, 1922), Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, complete poems of George Herbert, & Noctes Atticae (Aulus Gellius; Leipzig, 1878).

Sadly, I cannot say if I am actually the sort of person who would ‘save’ these particular books, or if that is merely the sort of person I would like to be; hopefully time won’t tell.


ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.