The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives


A view of a river through the trees

I welke ay forth in wely wyse,
No bonk so byg þat did me dereȝ.
Þe fyrre in þe fryth þe feier con ryse,
Þe playn, þe plontteȝ, þe spyse, þe pereȝ;
& raweȝ & randeȝ & rych reuereȝ,
As fyldor fyn her bonkes brent.
I wan to a water by schore þat schereȝ—
Lorde! dere watȝ hit adubbement!

The dubbemente of þo derworth depe
Wern bonkeȝ bene of beryl bryȝt;
Swangeande swete þe water con swepe
Wyth a rownande rourde raykande aryȝt.

The Pearl (ll. 101–112)


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