The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

April 2001


17 April 2001, around 18.32.

Idled in coffee-shops & the library, and read and read and read. Such pleasure. Day started clear, but now overcast. Perfect.


18 April 2001, around 18.32.

Wandered around town, easing into habits. Babbitt-dom is still distant, one hopes. Vague unease, unsettled, unsure, balancing only barely. As usual. Spent too much money on books. Again.


24 April 2001, around 18.30.

Overslept and the morning passed while my brain was still leaden; an hour at the Bod., then coffee, the Ashmolean, lecture & lunch. In a frenzy to finish my essay for tomorrow & attend a lecture on Roman religion this evening.


29 April 2001, around 18.30.

Broken blue sky and translucent clouds after a night of rain. A typical Sunday, doing laundry, reading, preparing for another week. Churchbells call to all good Christians; the response, if any, is hidden from my window.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.

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