The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

now you’re cooking

A handy reference for reading fiction that involves detailed descriptions of baking, roasting, and other oven-based cookery.

Table of Equivalent Oven Temperatures1
Solid Fuel Electricity Gas Mark (Regulo)
° Fahrenheit ° Centigrade
Slow 240–310 115–155 ¼–2
Moderate 320–370 160–190 3–4
Fairly hot 380–400 195–205 5
Hot 410–440 210–230 6–7
Very hot 450–480 235–250 8–9
  1. Adapted from Elizabeth David’s Italian Food (p. 57), mostly so I can remember how to set a table in HTML. []


ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.