a reader

an eudæmonistreading



Jonathan Raban. Soft City. Harvill, 1998 (1974). [36]
¤ John H. Finley, jr. Homer’s ‘Odyssey’. Harvard, 1978. [35]
¤ Plato. Republic. Trans. H. D. P. Lee. Penguin, 1955. [34]
George Gissing. The Odd Women. Penguin, 1993 (1893). [33]
George Orwell. Down and Out in Paris and London. Penguin, 1989 (1933). [32]


¤ A. Andrewes. The Greek Tyrants. London, 1956. [31]
W. M. Rossetti, ed. Præraphaelite Diaries and Letters. Hurst & Blackett, 1900. [30]
John Ruskin. Mornings in Florence: Being Simple Studies of Christian Art, for English Travellers. George Allen, 1889. [29]
¤ Carlin Barton. The Sorrows of the Ancient Romans. Princeton, 1993. [28]
Henry James. The Portrait of a Lady. Penguin, 1974 (1882). [27]
George Gissing. New Grub Street. Oxford, 1999 (1891). [26]


E. M. Forster. A Room with a View. Penguin, 2000 (1908). [13.2]
F. Scott Fitzgerald. This Side of Paradise. Penguin, 1996 (1920). [25.1]
E. M. Forster. Maurice. Penguin, 1971 (1914). [24]
Virginia Woolf. The Waves. Penguin, 1970 (1931). [23.1]
Henry James. The Princess Casamassima. Penguin, 1987 (1886). [22]
Jerome K. Jerome. Three Men in a Boat. Penguin, 1957 (1889). [21]
Thomas Mann. Buddenbrooks. tr. John E. Woods. Vintage, 1993 (1900). [20]


Henry James. Roderick Hudson. Penguin, 1991 (1875). [19]
Robert Graves & Alan Hodge. The Long Week-End. Norton, 1994 (1940). [18]


¿ David Horan. Oxford: a Cultural and Literary Companion. Interlink Books (Cities of the Imagination), 2000. [17]
¿ Alice Steinbach. Without Reservations: the Travels of an Independent Woman. Random House, 2000. [16]
Charles Dickens. Oliver Twist. Penguin, 1966 (1837). [15]
Samuel Johnson. ‘A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland’, printed with Boswell’s ‘The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides’ in Journey to the Hebrides. Ed. Ian McGowan. Canongate Classics #68, 1996 (1775). [14]
E. M. Forster. A Room with a View. Penguin, 2000 (1908). [13]
Jeanette Winterson. Art Objects: Essays on Ecstasy and Effrontery. Vintage, 1997. [12]
Dante. Purgatorio. Trans. W. S. Merwin. Knopf, 2000. [11]
A. S. Byatt. Possession. Vintage, 1990. [10]
Euripides. Alcestis. tr. & adpt. by Ted Hughes. FSG, 1999. [9]
¿ R. W. B. Lewis. Edith Wharton: a Biography. Harper & Row, 1975. [8]
E. M. Forster. The Longest Journey. Vintage, 1993 (1907). [7]


Edith Wharton. Novellas and Other Writings. The Library of America, 1990. [6]
E. M. Forster. Where Angels Fear to Tread. Vintage, 1992 (1905). [5]
E. M. Forster. Howards End. Vintage, 1989 (1910). [4]
Virginia Woolf. Three Guineas. HBJ, 1966 (1938). [3]
Dante. The Inferno. Trans. Robert Pinsky. FSG, 1994. [2]
Evelyn Waugh. Brideshead Revisited. Back Bay Books, 1999 (1944). [1]

(last revised: 27 November 2014)

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