The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: advice


1 July 2003, around 12.23.

You might consider trying to duplicate your institution’s colors in the flower and candles, unless they are something like pomegranate and puce. Columbia’s blue and white lend themselves very well to table decorations, especially in the spring when the little blue irises are available, and have been known to bring a tear to the eye […]

Citation (43)

28 September 2011, around 16.49.

in which Lord Chesterfield gives some useful advice regarding time management…


14 March 2012, around 4.47.

Let all such fancies, illusive and destructive, be banished henceforward from your thoughts for ever. Resolve, and keep your resolution; choose, and pursue your choice. If you spend this day in study, you will find yourself still more able to study to-morrow; not that you are to expect that you shall at once obtain a […]


20 January 2014, around 15.10.

(8) Finger-prints of any value to the police are seldom found on anybody’s skin. (9) The pupils of many drug-addicts’ eyes are apparently normal. (10) It is impossible to see anything by the flash of an ordinary gun, though it is easy to imagine you have seen things. (11) Not nearly so much can be […]

Montaigne 1.15

24 April 2015, around 9.36.

The bombardment of the Acropolis in 1687 from at 1707 edition of Francesco Finelli’s Atene attica : descritta da suoi principii fino all’acquisto fatto dall’armi venete nel 1687 (originally available via the Ottoman Imperial Archives, but no longer) So above all things a man should take heed, if he can, against falling into the hands […]

Useful Hints

11 May 2015, around 5.52.

A selection of ‘useful hints’ from Rambles in Rome (9th edition, 1903, page xiv) by S. Russell Forbes: Avoid bad odours. Do not ride in an open carriage at night. Take lunch in the middle of the day. This is essential. It is better to take a light breakfast an lunch, than a heavy breakfast […]


5 December 2021, around 14.06.

Another benefite of the village is this, that he shall haue tyme enough to al thinges that he will do, so that the time be well spent, tyme enough to studie, time to visite his frendes, tyme to go a huntyng, and layser when he list to eate his meat: the which layser courtiers commonly […]


5 January 2022, around 4.52.

…for writers all, both great and small, are habitual sinners against the light. —Ambrose Bierce, Write It Right In an effort to pay more attention to my work and to think more clearly about composition as such, I have been reading books on writing, which strike me (sitting outside the congregation) as banners of a […]

nihil differamus

26 December 2022, around 14.55.

Id quoque, quod tenetur, per manus exit et ipsam, quam premimus, horam casus incidit, volvitur tempus rata quidem lege, sed per obscurum; quid autem ad me, an naturae certum sit quod mihi incertum est? —Seneca (Epistulae Morales, 101.5)1 In the past, I haven’t been particularly strong on reading rules and systems for my yearly reading; […]

sense & sententiousness

1 September 2023, around 4.36.

Salome in the off hours. Die Frage nach dem Sinn. Vergleiche: “Dieser Satz hat Sinn.” – “Welchen?” “Dieser Wortreihe ist ein Satz.” – “Welcher?” Asking what the sense is. Compare: “This sentence has a sense.” – “What sense?” “This sequence of words is a sentence.” – “What sentence?” —Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations, trans. G.E.M. Anscombe et al., […]

night thoughts

23 October 2023, around 19.21.

Sometimes a contemplative prologue will depict the protagonist looking out the window and thinking of all the philosophical conundrums the author will not have time to present in the ensuing narrative. Sometimes the prologue simply presents those philosophical conundrums in a voice that issues from nowhere. Sometimes the prologue dispenses with philosophy completely and presents […]

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