The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: animals


30 June 2008, around 1.33.

The family cow ate some noxious weeds and fell and was butchered. The neighbor’s dog ate five of the youngest chicks and was thereafter executed. One chicken wandered into the latrine and drowned. Ten chicks mysteriously died in their box. For the anniversary of a death in the family, they slaughtered a sheep, slitting its […]

Crambe repetita (27)

19 April 2013, around 10.00.

Fanny Burney, Journals and Letters.


15 May 2023, around 4.45.

A poet who writes in Romansch arrives for a day; we all listen to him read with his Dutch translator. The two of them sound like strange birds, chippering and swooping. I don’t need to understand a word to know I like the poems a lot. —Martha Cooley (Guesswork, ch. 11) I was reading along […]

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