The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: arbitrary

ignes fatui

4 April 2020, around 5.34.

Part of an engraving from 1820. Making the daily circuit around the house, I listen to books on tape (because trying to read while walking on ground uneven from frost heaves is imprudent) and become annoyed at the lengthy chatter of background material provided. These are generalist books and start from first principles. After the […]

revolutionary changes

13 August 2024, around 15.04.

Editing involves so many arbitrary changes to suit style (serial comma), to avoid baiting someone else’s bête noire (‘since’ only allowed as a temporal adverb), or to satisfy the conventions of genre and jargon (‘discriminating power’). My latest arbitrary textual reaction is to ‘revolves around’, as in ‘the conversation revolved around the sound of chymes’ […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
