The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: Ashmolean

Curio (1)

17 January 2003, around 11.02.

Ivories, Ashmolean. …What makes the man and what The man within that makes: Ask whom he serves or not Serves and what side he takes…. —Gerard Manley Hopkins (‘(On a Piece of Music)’)

Improbable places (3)

14 February 2003, around 9.29.

The Room of PorcelainAshmolean Museum, 11:42 a.m.

It’s Academic

28 February 2003, around 9.33.

And, unrelated: ‘They’re hopelessly vulgar,’ said Mrs. Costello. ‘Whether or no being hopelessly vulgar is being ‘bad’ is a question for the metaphysicians. They’re bad enough to blush for, at any rate; and for this short life that’s quite enough.’ — Henry James, Daisy Miller

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