More specifically concerning: beckett
23 April 2004, around 14.12.
Happily Miss Carridge was a woman of few words. When body odour and volubility meet, then there is no remedy (43). * * * Her mind was so collected that she saw clearly the impropriety of letting it appear so (79). —Samuel Beckett Murphy (1938)
25 April 2004, around 18.58.
Citation (50)
1 January 2014, around 14.58.
the dangers of athletics…
30 October 2020, around 10.18.
To begin with how it is. Sun fallen behind the ridge to the south, the light fading in the valley, though still bright on the northern hills. Raking up after a frost, hoping to clear the drive and the edges of the road before the rain. For I can push a barrow as well as […]
the shattered mirror
26 February 2025, around 4.04.
The last time I read Goce Smilevski’s Conversation with Spinoza, I had not read Spinoza. I was not particularly interested in Spinoza. I was interested in Balkan fiction. I suppose I still am interested in Balkan fiction(s), but I am also, now, more interested in Spinoza. It was thus something of surprise to find, when […]