The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: boredom

The Guermantes Way

23 August 2010, around 20.42.

Everything we think of as great has come to us from neurotics. It is they and they alone who found religions and create great works of art. The world will never realise how much it owes them, and that they have suffered in order to bestow their gifts on it. We enjoy fine music, beautiful […]

a ramble

6 September 2015, around 8.38.

Now Reader, don’t go making trouble fixing names to all this. I say thereଁs not a person nor a thing in this book that ever stepped outside of this book. It’s all out of my head. And don’t go looking like a sick cat for wicked envy, it’s a thing you might come to yourself: […]

Citation (52)

12 November 2015, around 15.47.

materiality and boredom…

caresses and lullabies

3 January 2016, around 13.12.

Natalia Ginzburg on vocations.

ennui ensues

6 January 2016, around 5.02.

Sunshine, from The Illustrated London News (1865) Peter Toohey’s Boredom: A Lively History is a competent bit of work, hitting the key surface points of the topic, from Aristotle to Heidegger, with an obligatory early twenty-first-century excursus on neuroscience. It is, as the acknowledgements give away, a commissioned book – an editor’s idea of something […]

Citation (58)

1 April 2017, around 7.14.

epidemic indifference…

Citation (61)

19 February 2019, around 7.20.

Hegel endures history…

on travel writing

21 November 2022, around 5.00.

Sed diu non retemptavi memoriam meam, itaque non facile me sequitur. Quod evenit libris situ cohaerentibus, hoc evenisse mihi sentio; explicandus est animus et quaecumque apud illum deposita sunt, subinde excuti debent, ut parata sint, quotiens usus exegerit. Ergo hoc in praesentia differamus; multum enim operae, multum diligentiae poscit. Cum primum longiorem eodem loco speravero […]


14 February 2024, around 18.43.

This morning, the morning books were not working. They have grown in number, which is part of the problem. Really there should be only one morning book; perhaps two. The book should be both rigorous enough to require some attention (which helps one to wake up) but also interesting enough to provide a spark of […]

Citation (78)

10 June 2024, around 4.10.

the historian’s duties…

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
