The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: bravado

Citation (42)

2 April 2011, around 10.14.

derring-do among the philologists…

Montaigne 1.1

16 January 2015, around 19.26.

Achilles in exanimem Hectora saevit, Domenico Cunego after Gavin Hamilton, 1766 Having another go at Montaigne’s Essais,1 one of those books I always make a brave run at, but abandon a third of the way through, brushed away from the mindset of the book into arbitrary business. I’m not quite sure what to make of […]

Montaigne 1.44

13 November 2015, around 8.34.

anachronism What, then, is sleep? And what, if any, are its virtues? A sound sleep the sign of both exhaustion and courage. The knowledge we have of this mans unmated-haughty heart by the rest of his life, may make us judge with all securitie that it only proceeded from a spirit so far elevated above […]

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