The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: britain

With the greatest of ease

11 December 2002, around 11.24.

Departure The British are a humorous people; on the coach to Heathrow the driver urged us to ‘notice, please, ladies and gentlemen, that your seats are equipped with seatbelts. As you no doubt are keenly aware, there have been a spate of road accidents involving buses. In one of the latest, five people died, fifty-five […]

I think not so, my lord

27 July 2003, around 8.05.

Lord Sainsbury of Turville: My Lords, I totally agree. These statistics on accidents are extremely fascinating; they prove that the British public can use practically anything in this world to hurt themselves with. It is understandable that there are an estimated 55 accidents a year from putty, while toothpaste accounts for 73. However, it is […]

at the circumlocution office

31 July 2003, around 8.07.

How to evade the tendency to view an individual life as somehow symbolic or representative of the lives of an entire group of people (or subculture); for instance: repressed homosexuality (‘abnormal sexual desires’) the root of all Corvo’s problems according to

Street Sleeper

31 March 2004, around 19.02.

Volkswagens and other historical anecdotes

A Publisher Speaking

3 January 2014, around 5.20.

By Geoffrey Faber, Houghton Mifflin, 1935.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
