The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: byron

Hours of Idleness

15 July 2003, around 11.07.

I will not advance, by the rules of romance,     To humour a whimsical fair; Though a smile may delight, yet a frown won’t affright,     Or drive me to dreadful despair. While my blood is thus warm I ne’er shall reform,     To mix in the Platonists’ school; Of this I am sure, was my passion so […]

the mind diseased

6 March 2004, around 13.14.

Modern Greece, in history and literature, has been viewed as a transitory moment squeezed between two larger and more important entities. Viewed chronologically, modern Greece rests between the glory of the classical Greek past and the hope of a resurrected Greek future, which in many Western minds ought to resemble the democracies of Western Europe […]

Citation (24)

8 July 2004, around 15.42.


city of stone

19 January 2010, around 8.50.

Birds of dark omen wait for you in the city of stone.

A view (47)

9 March 2017, around 15.53.

midday, Newport.

nihil differamus

26 December 2022, around 14.55.

Id quoque, quod tenetur, per manus exit et ipsam, quam premimus, horam casus incidit, volvitur tempus rata quidem lege, sed per obscurum; quid autem ad me, an naturae certum sit quod mihi incertum est? —Seneca (Epistulae Morales, 101.5)1 In the past, I haven’t been particularly strong on reading rules and systems for my yearly reading; […]

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