The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: crankiness

30.01.02 – Wednesday

30 January 2002, around 17.25.

Just so you know, this post has been edited. Vergil is a hack.1 Homer (being collective) had it right; I don’t care if Iuno foments mishap for that man so blatantly remarkable for pietas (face it, Aeneas is a square – that’s what having a destiny does to people). I’d rather spend time with some […]

24.05.02 – Friday

24 May 2002, around 20.11.

Quickly, quickly to college. Mortification. The dean read out more than five hundred names within the close confines of the lecture hall – we sat and chattered and waited. CLASS PICTURE – a dully composed image of a people who can scarce bear the sight of each other sitting very close together and squinting into […]


19 January 2003, around 11.02.

An evening mildly out upon the town, following that vaguest of inclinations: civility. The plan had been to step out to the pub on the corner by the house; but peering in the windows at the sodden murmurings of the gray-haired regulars at the bar, we four, young and indecisive, given rather to nights ‘at […]

quite literally

26 April 2006, around 14.45.


ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
