The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: death

Locus Classicus

10 December 2002, around 11.23.

I am trying to find a way to explain this place, and failing completely. It’s not because the place is inconstant, or over-large, or complicated, or anything like that, but just that it is, in fact, so very simple that there is no way to explain it without making it seem more complicated than it […]

Impossible Epistles

24 February 2003, around 7.59.

The letters arrived two weeks apart, sent by two different people; each requires a response, and yet I cannot think how to reply to them. The first letter was a love story; a year ago she’d met a young man, parted as friends, wrote to each other, talked on the telephone, fell in love at […]

Citation (8)

7 May 2003, around 8.08.

from Tamburlaine the Great


7 April 2004, around 13.25.

On quires and choirs.

Citation (21)

11 April 2004, around 18.50.

Margaret Cavendish gazes into eternity…


30 June 2008, around 1.33.

The family cow ate some noxious weeds and fell and was butchered. The neighbor’s dog ate five of the youngest chicks and was thereafter executed. One chicken wandered into the latrine and drowned. Ten chicks mysteriously died in their box. For the anniversary of a death in the family, they slaughtered a sheep, slitting its […]


14 February 2014, around 22.11.

Taking pictures around the house. It’s the repeated, regular acts – the habits – that are, oddly, the most interesting thing. I wouldn’t have thought it. For his own part, Adams inclined to think that neither chaos nor death was an object to him as a searcher of knowledge – neither would have vogue in […]

Montaigne 1.7

27 February 2015, around 16.49.

It is perhaps the result of reading too many detective stories, but Montaigne’s notes on the importance of intentions was full of possibilities: They do still worse who reserve for their last will the declaration of some spiteful intention against a neighbour after having concealed it during life; thereby manifesting little regard for their own […]

Montaigne 1.20

29 May 2015, around 9.23.

‘Philosophy’ (1707) by Sébastien Leclerc (1637-1714) via Giornale Nuovo The other day somebody, turning over my tablets, found a memorandum of something I wished to be done after my death. I told him, what was true, that being but a league’s distance from my house, and healthy and robust, I had hastened to write it […]

Crambe repetita (38)

15 July 2015, around 9.33.

Montaigne, Essays.

ordinary crying

2 December 2023, around 14.55.

This chain might want to be a metaphor, but I am too lazy to link any ideas to the image. The difference of natural talents in different men, is, in reality, much less than we are aware of; and the very different genius which appears to distinguish men of different professions, when grown up to […]

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