The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: derrida

Citation (54)

25 February 2016, around 13.34.

intellectual pelicans and plucked chickens…


19 June 2024, around 4.08.

…this element itself is neither living nor dead, present nor absent: it spectralizes. It does not belong to ontology, to the discourse on the Being of beings, or to the essence of life or death. It requires, then, what we call, to save time and space rather than just to make up a word, hauntology. […]

Adversaria (15)

30 June 2024, around 4.16.

‘To fail in everything, it is true, will always remain possible. Nothing will ever give us any insurance against this risk, still less against this feeling’ —Derrida (Specters of Marx, trans. Peggy Kamuf, p. 19) ‘He is constantly rediscovered and as constantly laid aside. He remains unreadable and unread’ —Isaiah Berlin (‘Vico: Philosophical Ideas’ in […]

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