The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: design

the printer’s mark

25 January 2015, around 10.41.

Winsor McCay, A Good Book (not the book in question) It is not that the book is badly designed. No. The typeface suits and the pages are pleasingly laid out out. There are suitable illustrations, photos of the poet at various stages in her career – the ordinary image-making of an attractive woman. No. The […]

Montaigne 1.11

27 March 2015, around 11.08.

It is at this point in reading the Essays that I notice the running heads do not contain the titles of the essay but rather an arbitrary key point for the page – for the shorter essays this usually results in the title appearing as the running head, but the longer compositions generally have a […]

no harm, no pfau

25 April 2023, around 10.46.

‘He Merely Struts! Those who “know it all” help no one – hinder everyone – hurt themselves; Ability Needs No Fine Feathers’ (1929). From the exhibit ‘Workplace posters in the United States’

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
