The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: Diogenes Laertius

23.04.02 – Tuesday

23 April 2002, around 13.58.

This gives me the shivers, because I don’t think it’s actually about painting: In these places, though the stroke may be incomplete, yet the intention is carried out. Only when you realize that there are two styles of painting, the free and the detailed, may you join in discussions about painting. —Chang Yen-Yüan This, on […]

facta est lux

19 January 2023, around 4.26.

The supreme paradox of all thought is the attempt to discover something that thought cannot think. This passion is at bottom present in all thinking, even in the thinking of the individual, in so far as in thinking he participates in something transcending himself. But habit dulls our sensibilities, and prevents us from perceiving it. […]


4 February 2023, around 16.32.

…he did not want to do away with his scepticism, precisely because he wanted to doubt. That is his prerogative. But one should not attribute to him the stupidity that he believed one doubted with necessity, or by the same token what is even dumber, that if such were the case, doubt could be abolished. […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
