The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: distinction

non disputandum

19 August 2016, around 12.45.

One might be tempted to think this is merely the result of a false sort of conjugation, something along the lines of: ‘I have taste; you have preferences; s/he has an unfortunate partiality’; except I would be the first to admit that I have no real taste – it has been rarefied out of me […]

tautologous (2)

24 December 2016, around 4.25.

These are by no means all of the books I read this year that I found enjoyable or good, but they are the ones that, when thinking back over the year, stood out to me as some of the better ones – or at least the ones that were the right books for me at […]


22 May 2023, around 7.30.

What the distinction of place means is indifferent to the unfinished man; like the fool, he does everything at all places without distinction. Fools, therefore, achieve reason when they recover the sense for time and place. To put different things in different places, to allot different places to things that differ in quality – that […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
