The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: england

The Diseases and Casualties this Week

23 April 2003, around 8.19.

London 39 · From the 12 of September to the 19 · 1665 Abortive23 Aged57 Bedridden1 Bleeding1 Cancer1 Childbed39 Chrisomes20 Collick1 Consumption129 Convulsion71 Dropsie31 Drowned 3. one at Stepney, one at St. Katharine near the Tower, and one at St. Margaret Westminster(3) Feaver332 Flox and Small-pox8 Found dead in the street at St. Olave Southwark1 […]

a well lerned gentylwoman

29 October 2003, around 11.09.

Margaret More Roper (Holbein, ca. 1535, Met.) Erasmus wrote many epistels to her, and dedicated his commentaries on certaine hymnes of Prudentius to this gentlewomen, and calleth her the flower of all learned matrones of England. Nor was she meanlie learned. She compounded in Greeke and latyn both verse and prose, and that most eloquentlie. […]


17 September 2008, around 2.23.

Upon a Sunday morning, then, my father was walking round the lake which he had caused to be created, regretting that he had not moved the old river bed further back, and thinking out possible fantasies in stone, torrents to fall through the hanging woods above, pavilions upon islands and decorative effects generally (a few […]


3 December 2009, around 4.12.

Water in the millrace, through a sluice of stone,     plunges headlong into that black pond where, absurd and out-of-season, a single swan     floats chaste as snow, taunting the clouded mind which hunger to haul the white reflection down. The austere sun descends above the fen,     an orange cyclops-eye, scorning […]

Crambe repetita (23)

29 July 2012, around 17.28.

Hope Mirrlees, The Counterplot

hope against hope (3)

4 November 2012, around 7.41.

a counter reformation.

Crambe repetita (32)

4 February 2014, around 5.05.

Monica Dickens, Mariana.

Crambe repetita (41)

15 November 2015, around 12.26.

Natalia Ginzburg, The Little Virtues.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
