The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: envy

an Observation (2)

31 January 2003, around 11.11.

Somewhere in his letters to Atticus, Cicero says something to the effect of: I would rather fight with Pompey, and lose, than see him victorious. The death of Pompey signaled the end of the optimate cause, and the beginning of Caesar’s supremacy. Had Pompey won, though, the optimate cause, along with the Republic, would still […]

Republican letters

6 February 2003, around 9.20.

Ciceronis Epistulae ad Atticum, edidit D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Cambridge University Press.

the nerve

25 August 2023, around 12.28.

All our criticism consists of reproaching others with not having the qualities that we believe ourselves to have. —Jules Renard (Journals, trans. Louise Bogan & Elizabeth Roget, July 1895) It also consists of reproaching others with having those qualities that we would like to have, but don’t.

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