The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: film

7.01.02 – Monday

7 January 2002, around 17.16.

Have spent much of the weekend in bed with a cold and only now have the inclination to write even a little bit. Watched the DVD of Jan Svankmajer’s Alice (1988) this morning. It’s a strange film, all ominous puppetry and dark innocence. It started snowing last night and is now snowing again, big, heavy […]

8.01.02 – Tuesday

8 January 2002, around 17.17.

Went last night to the Pleasant St. Theater and saw The Royal Tenenbaums on M’s recommendation. Anyway, it was enjoyable, much as reading Sartre or Pound in a bus station with the cold smell of dirt, stale coffee, and old cigarettes is fun, I suppose. It was uplifting, a tale of redemption, &c. Walked home […]

18.01.02 – Friday

18 January 2002, around 17.20.

With continuing secularity: watched Psycho (1960) for the first time (ever) yesterday; it was better than its reputation would have one believe. J. Leigh was satisfactory, but really, Anthony Perkins… need I say more? I would imagine it would be great fun to watch with Jules Dassin’s Phaedra (1962), in which he plays another troubled […]


1 June 2006, around 12.24.

about the weather and teaching English as a Foreign (or second) language


18 March 2007, around 20.42.


through the glass

2 December 2007, around 19.59.

It’s windy and cold and it gets dark out early – and I am too lazy to read.

esprit d’escalier

7 December 2010, around 6.02.

nepeta cataria

5 May 2015, around 6.12.

‘A Girl Walks Home Alone’ It moves slowly; indeed, the pacing is unsettling. It’s been quite a while, though, since I’ve enjoyed a movie as much as A Girl Walks Home Alone, which was a thoughtful bit of creativity, rather than a bombastic collection of marketing images. I cannot (and do not want to) say […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
