The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: freud

stalking horses and other specters

2 April 2021, around 5.31.

Paul Nash, Stalking Horse (black and white negative, 1941), presented by the Paul Nash Trust to the Tate in 1970 CC-BY-NC-ND. The experience in which we meet specters or let them come visit us remains indestructible and undeniable. The most cultivated, the most reasonable, the most nonbelieving people easily reconcile a certain spiritualism with reason. […]

dreamer awake

20 April 2023, around 8.34.

Sed laboriosum est hoc institutum, & desidia quaedam ad consuetudinem vitae me reducit. Nec aliter quàm captivus, qui forte imaginariâ libertate fruebatur in somnis, cùm postea suspicari incipit se dormire, timet excitari, blandisque illusionibus lente connivet: sic sponte relabor in veteres opiniones, vereorque expergisci, ne placidae quieti laboriosa vigilia succedens, non in aliquâ luce, sed […]

haven’t a clew

5 July 2023, around 4.27.

Like anyone who is capable of some introspection, I had early taken it for granted that the split in my personality was my own purely personal affair and responsibility. —Carl Jung (Memories, Dreams, Reflections, trans. Richard and Clara Winston, p. 234) 1. Things that I liked about David Kishik’s Self Study: the form, the idiosyncratic […]

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