The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: frost

A view (33)

21 November 2011, around 7.07.


9 December 2011, around 6.56.

The changing patterns of frost on the window are always interesting to me.

A view (35)

4 January 2013, around 14.01.

Frostbound at home.


24 December 2013, around 14.10.

No snow, sadly. And of course expected – hoped for – snow at the mountain for Christmas; I’m sure there is, too, another few hundred feet further up. The only thing for it is to skate Skarphedin-like across the hardwood floors in stocking’d feet for another cup of tea.


21 January 2021, around 8.09.

‘A State is never a utilitarian institution pure and simple. It congeals on the surface of time like frost-flowers on a windowpane, and is as unpredictable, as ephemeral and, in its pattern, as rigidly causal to all appearances as they.’ —Huizinga, Homo Ludens

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
