The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: fruit

23.04.02 – Tuesday

23 April 2002, around 13.58.

This gives me the shivers, because I don’t think it’s actually about painting: In these places, though the stroke may be incomplete, yet the intention is carried out. Only when you realize that there are two styles of painting, the free and the detailed, may you join in discussions about painting. —Chang Yen-Yüan This, on […]


15 November 2003, around 13.22.

…eritis sicut diis scientes bonum et malum… malum punicum vel punica fides?


30 June 2008, around 1.33.

The family cow ate some noxious weeds and fell and was butchered. The neighbor’s dog ate five of the youngest chicks and was thereafter executed. One chicken wandered into the latrine and drowned. Ten chicks mysteriously died in their box. For the anniversary of a death in the family, they slaughtered a sheep, slitting its […]


8 June 2010, around 9.45.

Regarding Cornus mas.

fruits & spoils

7 August 2010, around 14.51.

The nourishing fruit of the historically understood contains time as a precious but tasteless seed.1 While content and language form a certain unity in the original, like a fruit and its skin, the language of the translation envelops its content like a royal robe with ample folds.2 —Walter Benjamin (Illuminations) ‘Theses on the Philosophy of […]


6 January 2011, around 10.23.

pears before նոր տարի. These pears were remarkable both for their color and their flavor, and the pigs had already been slaughtered.


27 December 2013, around 8.35.

The reproductive instinct urges the poet to scatter his seeds beyond his boundaries. I repeat it: poorly transmitted, they fructify. Certain species (Pushkin) refuse transmission. But this does not prevent them from scattering at large and even when reduced to insignificance, from fructifying. Shakespeare remains the model of the explosive plant. His seeds have taken […]

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