The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: future

16.04.02 – Tuesday

16 April 2002, around 13.56.

A funny color has settled on the trees, a noxious youthful green promising both the plenitude of fall and the mishaps of summer. Idle much of the morning. And the rest of the day, too. O mind of man that does not know the end or future fates, nor how to keep the measure when […]

Citation (21)

11 April 2004, around 18.50.

Margaret Cavendish gazes into eternity…


24 July 2004, around 17.14.

Books to be packed. She sat rather glumly looking at her own hands, her chin drawn in as though suffering from indigestion, or a surfeit of English. —Patrick White The Vivisector, p. 317. I am, as it were, at sea. The most difficult part of packing books is deciding which ones I am most likely […]

Citation (26)

28 September 2004, around 8.45.

eccentric employments.

ghost pain

24 March 2007, around 20.09.

My bookshelves look like a fighter’s mouth, full of painful and surprising gaps. Even books I thought I could not do without, books that shaped my taste and who I am, are gone. Let me explain. When we decided to move abroad I knew, of course, that most1 of the books would have to be […]


24 May 2007, around 11.33.

They took away sixteen boxes of books, a future, a past & a half-baked dream, and left a bill of sale, a cheque, and an increasing sense of freedom.

going to…

4 April 2008, around 13.11.

I’m holding the envelope in my hand, the envelope which says where I’m going to spend the next few years. It feels like I’m holding my future, that it’s fragile and if I look at it incorrectly it will spontaneously combust or dissolve into dust. I know this is not true. I know that it […]

Crambe repetita (38)

15 July 2015, around 9.33.

Montaigne, Essays.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
