The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: gender

6.02.02 – Wednesday

6 February 2002, around 7.46.

Overheard conversation: ‘Yea, honey, you know I don’t love you, but I just want to f—k you,’ and you know I’m just saying, ‘I’m sorry, but you’re not even going to get to do that,’ if you know what I mean.’ ‘Yea, I totally understand. They always try to control relationships; they’re so selfish. I […]

Mysteriosa Femina

1 December 2002, around 11.15.

In an abrupt change of pace, I set aside the works of Walter Burkert just as he was about to show once and for all how human behavior really works, and read a mystery novel until all hours of the night. I had given up on the entire ‘reading in bed’ thing—there never seemed to […]

Citation (11)

16 August 2003, around 2.08.

the cunning Manager.

a well lerned gentylwoman

29 October 2003, around 11.09.

Margaret More Roper (Holbein, ca. 1535, Met.) Erasmus wrote many epistels to her, and dedicated his commentaries on certaine hymnes of Prudentius to this gentlewomen, and calleth her the flower of all learned matrones of England. Nor was she meanlie learned. She compounded in Greeke and latyn both verse and prose, and that most eloquentlie. […]

Montaigne 1.21

5 June 2015, around 9.16.

Steel engraving by J.B. Bourgois, 1808, after ‘The Hermaphrodite’ in the Louvre. We sweat, we tremble, we turn pale and blush through the shock of our imagination and lying back in our feather-bed we feel our body agitated by its power… –Montaigne (Essays ‘Of the Power of Imagination’) The power of imagination – excesses of […]

the misanthrope

31 May 2021, around 23.53.

Laura Riding considers the tedium of the phallus.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
