The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: geography

5 July

5 July 2001, around 14.14.

Acrocorinth. One sees the world open out to the horizon, from the span of Attica to the slopes of Parnassus, across the tenuous isthmus, the Peloponnese now broken to an island by the works of man. On the isle of Pelops, taciturn rocks lie uneven as a rumpled blanket, jagged as a broken shield. From […]

21 July

21 July 2001, around 14.18.

Delphi – up and about just before six to watch the Pythian sunrise, the bunched mountains and outcrops of rock losing their dusky shadow to the warm necessity of the sun. The trees in the valley seem almost lush, but dwindle to scrub along the harsh and rugged walls. A stillness through everything – even […]


5 August 2001, around 14.44.

It all comes down to a matter of contrast (if one wishes to deal with certainties). This dislocation springs, no doubt, from the abrupt difference of colors, the infinite bright variety replaced by a limited palette of infinite subtlety; a harsh chalk (or pastel) quality to the lines converted to a skillful watercolor. Even so, […]


5 February 2004, around 19.10.

I was sitting on the floor outside one of the meeting rooms at a rather silly academic conference—as one does, you know: it makes one ‘memorable’.1 It was the morning of, I think, the third day, about fifteen minutes before the first round of papers was to begin.2 As I was sitting on the floor, […]


3 April 2006, around 11.23.

springtime and Cyprus

Citation (31)

27 April 2008, around 6.00.

Strabo considers ancient stories about the Armenians…

Citation (38)

12 July 2009, around 23.13.

reading notes…

Citation (45)

31 March 2012, around 17.59.

scholarly limitations…

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