The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: hegel

fragment from the shower

17 January 2006, around 11.28.


translator’s note

19 May 2006, around 15.12.

some people get cranky about Hegel


25 November 2016, around 13.05.

This a juxtaposition of three quotations about writing, practicality, and danger from Margaret Cavendish, Hegel, and Simone Weil.

Citation (61)

19 February 2019, around 7.20.

Hegel endures history…

wishful thinking

12 June 2019, around 13.50.

Saint Jerome Reading, (Jusepe de Ribera [called Lo Spagnoletto], ca. 1624) Proteus: Upon some book I love I’ll pray for thee. Valentine: That’s on some shallow story of deep love… The chair from which I work is by a window – or a set of windows, rather – overlooking a street and some trees and, […]

punctuated equilibria

2 February 2022, around 9.06.

It is another round of desultory reading, a sort of weak waving of the hand at sturdy piles of thoughtful books that do not at the moment appeal. I’ve been in the sort of reading mood that cannot ignore failures of proofreading – the inconsistent use of straight and typographer’s quotation marks in the last […]

de nada

12 May 2023, around 4.21.

Nothingness is absolute self-deception, proton pseudos, the absolute lie in itself. He who thinks nothingness thinks precisely nothing. Nothingness is the negation of thought; it can therefore only be thought at all in so far as it is made into something. In the moment nothingness is thought of, it is also not thought of, for […]

Citation (76)

6 January 2024, around 4.43.

Jung on bombast and Hegel.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
