The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: hobbes

Crambe repetita (42)

15 March 2016, around 9.17.

Danielle Dutton, Margaret the First.


23 January 2025, around 17.21.

Appetite, fear, hope, and the rest of the passions are not called voluntary; for they proceed not from, but are the will; and the will is not voluntary. For a man can no more say he will will, than he will will will, and so make an infinite repetition of the word will; which is […]

Adversaria (22)

31 January 2025, around 4.15.

‘When ideas are dead their ghosts usually walk; but no ghost walks for ever, and the main thing is for the people they haunt to remember that they are only ghosts’ —R.G. Collingwood (The Idea of Nature, p. 149f.; cf. another ghost) ‘For when a master is instructing his scholar, if the scholar understand all […]

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