The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: hypocrisy


23 February 2001, around 19.39.

Up, coffee, email, breakfast, library (return book), library II (read), library III (return book & photocopy), coffee & sandwich, room, read, class, which put in mind of Meredith: …one is not altogether fit for the battle of life who is engaged in a perpetual contention with his dinner… …which holds true for Thucydides as well; […]

Citation (14)

1 December 2003, around 9.29.

the character of a historian.

Crambe repetita (46)

15 July 2017, around 6.13.

Vasily Grossman, Forever Flowing.


5 February 2024, around 12.48.

Orpheus running into a spot of trouble, cropped from Johann Wilhelm Baur’s illustrations to Ovid (ca. 1641) The hand that desires to cleanse the sores of other men must itself be clean, or the last state of the soul it touches may be worse than the first. —Eleanor Shipley Duckett (The Gateway to the Middle […]

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