The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: keats

24 December 2000 – Rome

24 December 2000, around 19.43.

At the Protestant Cemetery, in the company of numerous over-attentive cats. I cannot help but feel, porter aside, that the cats are the guardians of the place, keeping the pigeons away, trotting amicably among the tombs. It is a strange place, calm, yet with a curious access to something else. There is the flutter of […]

Writ in water

23 February 2003, around 8.00.

Goethe, ‘Am Flusse’ – Ihr wart ins Wasser eingeschrieben; So fließt denn auch mit ihm davon. You were engraved upon the water; and flow, too, with the water away. Keats’s epitaph, in the Protestant cemetery, at Rome:1 Here lies one whose name was writ in water. Keats died 23 February 1821. Goethe’s son, Julius, who […]

we like sheep

8 June 2004, around 20.33.

a versifying Pet-lamb.

an interval

21 June 2004, around 14.49.

In a backward bin.

de monstra demonstranda

22 February 2024, around 11.26.

Medea, bad mommy extraordinaire, engaging in a bit of light witchcraft, illustration by Johann Wilhelm Baur to Ovid (ca. 1640s) The school of Criticism has made known in print its superiority to human feelings and the world, above which it sits enthroned in sublime solitude, with nothing but an occasional roar of sarcastic laughter from […]

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