The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: kierkegaard

fragment from the shower

17 January 2006, around 11.28.


at a loss

21 June 2008, around 2.18.

There is something outrageous in a person’s misdirecting a traveller who has lost his way and then leaving him to himself in error, yet what is that compared with causing someone to go astray in himself? The lost traveller, after all, has a consolation that the country around him is constantly changing, and with every […]

repetitio principii

29 April 2013, around 5.47.

…life’s earnestness is in no way to sit on the sofa and pick one’s teeth… —Søren Kierkegaard (Repetition, p.4) In Repetition Kierkegaard tells the story of two trips to Berlin – one of his attempts to prove the theory of repetition. On the first trip he had a grand time, stayed in a fine apartment, […]

Montaigne 1.26

10 July 2015, around 5.49.

Vanity & Vexation And besides, I do not compete wholesale with those old champions, and body to body; I do so by repetitions, by frequent and light attacks. I do not stubbornly grapple with them, but only try their strength, and if I try to keep pace with them, I do so hesitatingly. If I […]


13 June 2017, around 14.32.

Books save lives.

Citation (60)

3 January 2018, around 5.53.

Kierkegaard reflects…

upbuilding and edification

10 January 2018, around 5.57.

Kierkegaard and Heidegger learn to swim.


2 November 2019, around 13.08.

…he who does not grasp that life is repetition and that this is the beauty of life, has condemned himself and deserves nothing better than what will happen to him – death. Hope is an enticing fruit that fails to satisfy, recollection sorrowful sustenance that fails to satisfy. But repetition is the daily bread that […]

friend of all frillies

7 January 2023, around 4.27.

It may have been a matter of poor timing that put me out of sympathy with the book. At another time I might have found it a diverting collection of essays and fragments, droll, witty, amusing, with a certain neurasthenic charm – as one would expect to find after looking at more nuanced review. Unfortunately, I […]

we are circling

11 January 2023, around 4.29.

What is my opinion?… Let no one ask me about it, and next to having an opinion, nothing can be less important to another than what my opinion is. To have an opinion is both too much and too little for me. It assumes a sense of well-being and security with one’s existence, just as, […]

facta est lux

19 January 2023, around 4.26.

The supreme paradox of all thought is the attempt to discover something that thought cannot think. This passion is at bottom present in all thinking, even in the thinking of the individual, in so far as in thinking he participates in something transcending himself. But habit dulls our sensibilities, and prevents us from perceiving it. […]


4 February 2023, around 16.32.

…he did not want to do away with his scepticism, precisely because he wanted to doubt. That is his prerogative. But one should not attribute to him the stupidity that he believed one doubted with necessity, or by the same token what is even dumber, that if such were the case, doubt could be abolished. […]

de monstra demonstranda

22 February 2024, around 11.26.

Medea, bad mommy extraordinaire, engaging in a bit of light witchcraft, illustration by Johann Wilhelm Baur to Ovid (ca. 1640s) The school of Criticism has made known in print its superiority to human feelings and the world, above which it sits enthroned in sublime solitude, with nothing but an occasional roar of sarcastic laughter from […]

moth-eaten notions

5 May 2024, around 4.35.

Minerva and Arachne, engraving by Johann Wilhelm Baur (1641) …a garment becomes a real garment only in the act of being worn; a house where no one lives is in fact not a real house… —Marx (Grundrisse, trans. Martin Nicolaus, p. 91) But truly, for mine own part, if I were as tedious as a […]


15 August 2024, around 15.24.

He requested three convenient, interconnected rooms. He went to bed and slept like a log all through the night. Now and again, his sleep was disturbed by the wallpaper design and the shuffle of slippers in the corridor. The unfamiliar furniture creaked unusually loudly. It was as if he had sunk deep into the heavy, […]

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