The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: latin

06.03.02 – Wednesday

6 March 2002, around 21.16.

For once Vergil moved.

Manipulus Vocabulorum

22 February 2003, around 8.08.

From an English rhyming dictionary, with Latin translations, compiled by Peter Levins in 1570 (EETS #27, 1867): In arke An Arke, archa, æ. ye Barke of a trée, cortex, icis, hic.      Carke, care, cura, cogitatio. A  Clarke, clericus, i. A  Larke, alauda, æ, galarita, æ. A  Marke, signum, scopus, i. A  Parke, damarium, vivarium. A […]

Incomplete Associations (Latin)

27 February 2003, around 9.32.

The prose of Cicero is a ripened plum, the dusky purple austerity concealing a rich and summery sweetness. The lines of Ovid are a silver ring; of Horace, a poet’s faded crown, gone gray and dusty down the centuries. Yet Vergil’s lines are as a shepherd’s staff, for cudgeling foes or correcting friends. The works […]

An Errant Academic

10 July 2003, around 13.44.

I mentioned Seth Lerer’s Error and the Academic Self more than a month ago and, having finally finished reading it, there are a few more comments I would like to make. To begin, though, with a summary: errô, errare, erravi, erratus – to wander, to go astray, to err. The record of scholarship, particularly of […]


15 November 2003, around 13.22.

…eritis sicut diis scientes bonum et malum… malum punicum vel punica fides?

Citation (18)

8 March 2004, around 8.12.

adventurous students always read classics.

ex magna turba…

29 April 2004, around 15.30.

Nihil mihi nunc scito tam deesse quam hominem eum, quocum omnia, que me cura aliqua adficiunt una communicem, qui me amet, qui sapiat, quicum ego cum loquar nihil fingam, nihil dissimulem, nihil obtegam. abest enim frater ἀφελέστατος et amantissimus. †Metellus† non homo, sed ‘litus atque aër’ et ‘solitudo mera’. tu autem, qui saepissime curam et […]


25 May 2004, around 8.07.

quis autem non magis solos esse…

Crambe repetita (21)

2 January 2012, around 14.09.

Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy, ‘Democritus to the Reader’.

what counts

5 April 2017, around 18.44.

The walk to work takes an hour to cover approximately three miles. This is a bit slow, perhaps, but given the uncertain state of draw bridges, traffic signals, and my own ambling pace, it feels about right. It gives me plenty of time to think – about the day ahead, about anything at all. The […]

affected puppy

14 August 2023, around 4.17.

I have always observed that the most learned people, that is, those who have read the most Latin, write the worst; and that distinguishes the Latin of gentleman scholar from that of a pedant. A gentleman has, probably, read no other Latin than that of the Augustan age; and therefore can write no other, whereas […]

loose leash

7 February 2025, around 14.26.

My mind wanders from the moment, chasing down fragments and details, irrelevant to action, much as the dog likes to pause and sniff each frond and spore of the sword ferns that line the forest path. The vet at emergency services explains, in great detail that really contains no detail, the nature of the dog’s […]

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