The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: libraries

the local library

11 March 2011, around 17.39.

NB: This entry was initially published as a page to solicit donations to fund a project supporting the library; the campaign was successful. Goris is a small town located in the rugged mountains of Syuniq marz, which is the southernmost region in Armenia. Once the cultural center of the region, its situation on the road […]

the will to be peeved

12 January 2017, around 6.11.

Drawing (with self portrait) from one of William James’s notebooks I don’t quite remember what led me to read William James. It could have been PF talking about him, or the mention in The Dead Ladies Project, or it could have been something I’ve forgotten about entirely. In any case, I settled in and read […]


2 July 2021, around 9.37.

A view of Constantinople, ca. 1635, by Matthäus Merian Somewhat jokingly I said that I wanted the shelves to reflect the great arc of history, not a hodgepodge of regional narratives. In the beginning, this was fine. There was room, narrative room, to arrange the books in something like a chronology to present something like […]

The Order of Books

2 December 2021, around 12.19.

By Roger Chartier, trans. Lydia G. Cochrane, Stanford UP, 1994 (1992).

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
