The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: london


15 March 2001, around 14.56.

To see ‘The Genius of Rome: 1592–1623;’ or, in other words, to see paintings by Caravaggio and … some other guys. Then wandered around the city feeling young and disillusioned, everyone and everything seeming uglier and stupider and slower than they should be. Two elderly ladies on the bus into town and St John the […]

The Diseases and Casualties this Week

23 April 2003, around 8.19.

London 39 · From the 12 of September to the 19 · 1665 Abortive23 Aged57 Bedridden1 Bleeding1 Cancer1 Childbed39 Chrisomes20 Collick1 Consumption129 Convulsion71 Dropsie31 Drowned 3. one at Stepney, one at St. Katharine near the Tower, and one at St. Margaret Westminster(3) Feaver332 Flox and Small-pox8 Found dead in the street at St. Olave Southwark1 […]

a wholesome note of doubt

8 February 2015, around 9.16.

‘With so little new reading-matter to distract us we were able to carry all the details in our head until the next issue.’

Crambe repetita (49)

1 January 2021, around 7.12.

Jane Oliver and Ann Stafford, Business as Usual.

human kindness, curdled

25 February 2021, around 5.23.

‘A plan of the cities of London and Westminster’, etc., by Johns Roque, Pine, and Pinney (ca. 1746) We disputed about some poems. Sheridan said that a man should not be a poet except he were excellent; for that to be a mediocris poeta was but a poor thing. I said I differed from him. […]

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