More specifically concerning: macedonia
dialogue in solitude
16 December 2007, around 20.47.
Once again, why Spinoza? When I was talking to Dime T. from Ohrid, Macedonia, one afternoon about parapsychology, he asked me: ‘Why do you think you are writing about Spinoza?’ Had it been a conversation with a philosopher, I would have said something like: ‘Because of his unique philosophy, because of his divergence from Descartes’ […]
31 December 2007, around 21.58.
The memory of cranes flying in rain-heavy sky, lit in low-slanting sunlight; tall grasses and the bounce and hum of a bus; gold-leaved crowns, and painted walls, dank scent of earth, and the brightness of the cranes, flying. Don’t know what direction they flew, nor what direction I went, but away from the past and […]
the shattered mirror
26 February 2025, around 4.04.
The last time I read Goce Smilevski’s Conversation with Spinoza, I had not read Spinoza. I was not particularly interested in Spinoza. I was interested in Balkan fiction. I suppose I still am interested in Balkan fiction(s), but I am also, now, more interested in Spinoza. It was thus something of surprise to find, when […]