More specifically concerning: measurement
30 January 2014, around 7.00.
J. Drayton, ‘Pine Forest, Ore.’1 Just something I found one day – a pebble as it were, to generate ripples of thought. Later (March 2022): After checking the original of Wilkes’s Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition (vol. 5), it appears the original sketch was by Drayton; the caption has been updated accordingly. [↩]
now you’re cooking
24 February 2025, around 7.36.
A handy reference for reading fiction that involves detailed descriptions of baking, roasting, and other oven-based cookery. Table of Equivalent Oven Temperatures1 Solid Fuel Electricity Gas Mark (Regulo) ° Fahrenheit ° Centigrade Slow 240–310 115–155 ¼–2 Moderate 320–370 160–190 3–4 Fairly hot 380–400 195–205 5 Hot 410–440 210–230 6–7 Very hot 450–480 235–250 8–9 Adapted […]