The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: mina loy

the printer’s mark

25 January 2015, around 10.41.

Winsor McCay, A Good Book (not the book in question) It is not that the book is badly designed. No. The typeface suits and the pages are pleasingly laid out out. There are suitable illustrations, photos of the poet at various stages in her career – the ordinary image-making of an attractive woman. No. The […]

in the study

3 February 2015, around 5.22.

Curie of the laboratory of vocabulary  she crushed the tonnage of consciousness congealed to phrases  to extract a radium of the word —Mina Loy (Corpses and Geniuses, ‘Gertrude Stein’) What is the use of a violent kind of delightfulness if there is no pleasure in not getting tired of it. The question does not come […]


19 January 2016, around 5.29.

Mina Loy lights a candle.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
