The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: morning

29.05.02 – Wednesday

29 May 2002, around 20.18.

It starts in the morning with laundry. No – that’s not quite it. It starts when they knock on my door at eight a.m. and I am not yet awake; in truth, I had opened my eyes to face the world at a quarter to seven, but the world at that point seemed irrelevant to […]

moments of lethargy

4 May 2008, around 7.41.

We move slowly in the fading shadows of the morning, with a lazy, ritual weight of action.


24 June 2008, around 22.52.

The rooster runs across the bare uneven ground towards the barn like a samurai from some black and white film you can half remember seeing, sunlight pooling on his rusty black feathers. In the kitchen there is hope for another cup of coffee, thick with sugar, and lavash with a hard-boiled egg, yolk apricot-colored, and […]


21 October 2008, around 2.15.

In the morning we wake to the sound of the neighbor’s two cows walking up the road to pasture. They walk slowly, as though their feet hurt. That’s at about quarter after six. The temptation to stay in bed, rather than venturing into the dismal cold of the room (especially shocking after a night of […]


29 October 2019, around 6.51.

A view (50)

20 April 2020, around 8.32.

poems, trees, mornings.


21 July 2022, around 9.07.

Philalethes. What is the use of grounds of consolation and peacefulness over which is constantly hanging the Damocles-sword of deception? Truth, my friend, truth alone holds firm, endures and stays steadfast: truth’s consolation is the only solid consolation: it is the indestructible diamond. Demopheles. Yes, if you had truth in your pocket to favour us […]

pretty slick

21 January 2024, around 14.28.

But the conquest of the physical world is not man’s only duty. He is also enjoined to conquer the great wilderness of himself. The precise role of the artist, then, is to illuminate that darkness, blaze roads through that vast forest, so that we will not, in all our doing, lose sight of its purpose, […]


16 August 2024, around 10.09.

…the resistance of the material must be scrupulously respected. —Karl Kerényi (Eleusis, trans. Ralph Manheim, p. xxi)


20 August 2024, around 19.39.

Pausing to watch the morning light and consider the fausses fraises de production.1We must be permitted our little jokes. [↩]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
