More specifically concerning: mortality
The Diseases and Casualties this Week
23 April 2003, around 8.19.
London 39 · From the 12 of September to the 19 · 1665 Abortive23 Aged57 Bedridden1 Bleeding1 Cancer1 Childbed39 Chrisomes20 Collick1 Consumption129 Convulsion71 Dropsie31 Drowned 3. one at Stepney, one at St. Katharine near the Tower, and one at St. Margaret Westminster(3) Feaver332 Flox and Small-pox8 Found dead in the street at St. Olave Southwark1 […]
return to stacks
2 June 2006, around 16.50.
books, libraries, and necromancy
lezvi masin
25 September 2009, around 0.28.
From Imagined Communities: It is always a mistake to treat languages in the way that certain nationalist ideologues treat them – as emblems of nation-ness, like flags, costumes, folk-dances, and the rest. Much the most important thing about languages is their capacity for generating imagined communities, building in effect particular solidarities. (133) But also: If […]
Crambe repetita (38)
15 July 2015, around 9.33.
Montaigne, Essays.
30 April 2017, around 18.00.
Diogenes the cynic, radical pragmatist.
midafternoon thoughts
2 January 2025, around 15.32.
No code of cataloguing could be adopted in all points by every one, because the libraries for study and the libraries for reading have different objects, and those which combine the two do so in different proportions. —Charles Ammi Cutter (Rules for a Dictionary Catalogue) Cutter was my favorite part of the library. It was […]