The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: mourning

Montaigne 1.28

24 July 2015, around 12.23.

I cannot allow those other common friendships to be placed in the same line with ours. I have as much knowledge of them as another, and of the most perfect of their kind, but I should not advise any one to measure them with the same rule; he would be much mistaken (190). anachronism –entry […]

it is common

5 December 2022, around 8.41.

[…] Oh, for the healing swaying, old and low, Of some song sung to rest the tired dead, A song to fall like water on my head, And over quivering limbs, dream flushed to glow! There is a magic made by melody: A spell of rest, and quiet breath, and cool Heart, that sinks through […]


31 March 2023, around 4.43.

There are always other eyes seeing what I see, and imagining that other angle, imagining what these senses that are not mine could make out through my own sense is, all things considered, the best definition of love that I know. Grief is the end of loneliness. —Cristina Rivera Garza (Liliana’s Invincible Summer, Part IV) […]

Adversaria (5)

31 August 2023, around 4.33.

‘Take a story from a place and drop it into another place and it doesn’t necessarily make sense, at least not at first. Like people, stories don’t always travel well. Nothing belongs everywhere, and some things only belong somewhere. But some stories, when they travel, can spark strange things in unmeasured hearts’ —Paul Kingsnorth (Savage […]

Adversaria (8)

30 November 2023, around 4.16.

‘And yet it’s autumn now, as clear as water and as bright as a mirror, and I should be happy’ —Eileen Chang (‘On the Second Edition of Romances’, Written on Water, trans. Andrew F. Jones, p. 218) ‘Every reader is cumbered by an excess of books, and every book by an excess of readers—each overwhelmed […]

ordinary crying

2 December 2023, around 14.55.

This chain might want to be a metaphor, but I am too lazy to link any ideas to the image. The difference of natural talents in different men, is, in reality, much less than we are aware of; and the very different genius which appears to distinguish men of different professions, when grown up to […]

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