More specifically concerning: mythology
Crambe repetita (9)
21 May 2004, around 7.20.
Anne Carson, The Beauty of the Husband.
on biography (3)
8 February 2013, around 0.02.
After reading Didier Eribon’s biography of Foucault, I turned with some relief to Karl Popper’s memoir Unended Quest. The biography of Foucault was maddening because it did what good biographies should do, and didn’t speculate, especially where speculation was warranted. Popper, meanwhile, positively disinvites speculation. There’s nothing to speculate about; he grinds through ideas with […]
16 August 2024, around 10.09.
…the resistance of the material must be scrupulously respected. —Karl Kerényi (Eleusis, trans. Ralph Manheim, p. xxi)
2 September 2024, around 9.05.
Here the compensation certain did not fall out as the dreamer would wish, by handing him a solution on a plate; rather it confronted him with a problem to which I have already alluded, and one which life is always bringing us up against: namely, the uncertainty of all moral valuation, the bewildering interplay of […]
Adversaria (22)
31 January 2025, around 4.15.
‘When ideas are dead their ghosts usually walk; but no ghost walks for ever, and the main thing is for the people they haunt to remember that they are only ghosts’ —R.G. Collingwood (The Idea of Nature, p. 149f.; cf. another ghost) ‘For when a master is instructing his scholar, if the scholar understand all […]