The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: night thoughts

august thirst

3 August 2024, around 13.49.

If Wisdom is our Lesson (and what else Ennobles Man? what else have Angels learn’d?), Grief! more Proficients in thy School are made, Than Genius, or proud Learning, e’er could boast. Voracious Learning, often over-fed, Digests not into Sense her motley Meal. This Book-Case, with dark booty almost burst, This Forager on others Wisdom, leaves […]


11 August 2024, around 20.40.

Night is fair virtue’s immemorial friend; The conscious moon, through every distant age, Has held a lamp to wisdom, and let fall, On contemplation’s eye, her purging ray. (V.177–180) * * * Were moon, and stars, for villains only made? To guide, yet screen them, with tenebrious light? (IX.964f.) —Edward Young (Night Thoughts)1)Consistency, hobgoblins, etc. [↩]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXIV · cc 2000–2024 M.F.C.
