The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: nonsense

28 June

28 June 2001, around 14.13.

What is one looking for in these cases, anyway? One could find an object lesson, an unexpected symbol, but one is unlikely to find what it all meant; it is a void, then, and scholarship a waste of time? Perhaps. One little thing, this fixation on an object, whether worthy or no; wisdom and understanding […]

the rosy outlook

21 August 2023, around 10.07.

It is a nightmarish scene, yet one that seems to embody the conditions of a new dark age. Our vision is increasingly universal, but our agency is ever more reduced. We know more and more about the world, while being less and less able to do anything about it. The resulting sense of helplessness, rather […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
