The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: opportunity

pseudaphoristica (8)

4 March 2004, around 15.05.


Montaigne 1.10

20 March 2015, around 11.07.

As we advise ladies to take up those games and bodily exercises which will show off their particular beauty to the best advantage, so I would give the same advice with regard to those advantages in eloquence (33) […] I know by experience that natural disposition which is impatience of earnest and laborious premeditation, and […]


15 May 2019, around 1.11.

The thing about The Fifth Child is that, for so slight a book, it does not seem to be quite sure what it wants to achieve. The first half or two-thirds focus on the parents of the eponymous child and the decisions they make to further their rather banal vision of the ideal life. The […]

distant views

15 October 2021, around 10.53.

Amazing what one finds in old folders. So many possibilities. (ca. 2002)

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
