The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: poetastery

28.02.02 – Thursday

28 February 2002, around 7.35.

Note: I can no longer see where the pillow was stained when you spilled coffee on it.

15.03.02 – Friday

15 March 2002, around 21.25.

Most mornings, when I wake, I stumble to the kitchen to make myself an espresso. This has, by now, become a habit so ingrained that the very smell of strong coffee causes me to feel as though I were wearing pajamas and had just rolled out of bed. It’s a comfortable feeling. If I were […]

Poetastery (1)

8 December 2002, around 11.21.

three limericks in honor of Diodorus Siculus.

Poetastery (2)

24 April 2003, around 20.17.

a triolet occasioned by the coming of spring.

in springtime

30 September 2003, around 8.24.

It takes an odd sort of mind to give the title ‘A Gallery of Pigeons’ to a slender volume of light verse, especially if it includes a poem called ‘A Tragedy’ which contains the word ‘plop’ (more than once). So it was with some surprise I found a passage I almost liked in Marzials’ aforementioned […]


24 March 2004, around 8.28.

it was the distance…

Poetastery (3)

6 June 2004, around 6.20.

a love-song, a love-song.

lines written in Oregon

14 April 2006, around 10.54.

by Nabokov


2 November 2007, around 14.05.

glad eye

14 December 2007, around 13.08.

He had told me himself more than once that he never got up before twelve, and seldom earlier than one. Constitutionally the laziest young devil in America, he had hit on a walk in life which enabled him to go the limit in that direction. He was a poet. At least, he wrote poems when […]

hope against hope (4)

24 March 2015, around 11.44.

A bit of Caravaggio’s painting of ‘Saint Jerome Writing’ It’s taken me a while to get through Hope Mirrlees’ Collected Poems, perhaps because it confounded my expectations (which were admittedly a bit confused). Eager readers of Mirrlees’ work or those interested in her life should, of course, pick up a copy, as it is contains […]

sticky note

3 March 2023, around 16.12.

buttered bread and jam meant lunch on a busy day work’s forbidden fruit


19 March 2023, around 17.30.

an evening turn snow’s phthisis and rain opens a window to spring

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
