The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: prejudice

The Victim of Prejudice

24 March 2004, around 19.07.

or, the difficulties of being desired

wild east

4 September 2007, around 9.50.

Boris Fishman, ed. Wild East: Stories from the Last Frontier 2003 Now a reader is in a sense complicit in the making of a good book; without the reader’s empathy, wit, and understanding, be the book ever so finely written and ever so well put together, any book can be called rubbish. I myself remember […]

bettered novels (22.1)

13 February 2016, around 13.22.

Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, part 1, first impressions (1796/1813).

non disputandum

19 August 2016, around 12.45.

One might be tempted to think this is merely the result of a false sort of conjugation, something along the lines of: ‘I have taste; you have preferences; s/he has an unfortunate partiality’; except I would be the first to admit that I have no real taste – it has been rarefied out of me […]

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